There Is No "I" In Team

Hello Champion:

There is no “I” in TEAM. Every member is a crucial part of making a team successful.

🚨 This includes walk-on players 🚨

These student-athletes are often the hardest working and grittiest individuals on the roster. However, they often get overlooked.

Do you have team members that are indispensable but don’t get the proper credit?

Well I hope you are creating the same culture as TCU basketball.

Look how Harrison Young’s teammates give him love and admiration when it is announced that he EARNED a scholarship.

That is what TEAM is all about.

Who is a teammate that you can encourage today?

🥇Thank them for their contributions

🥇Tell them that you appreciate what they bring to the team

🥇Appreciate them for making you better

Remember - A rising tide lifts all boats.

The WTMG Team

BJ Merriam