How to Tackle Fear

Hello Champion:

For any high-performer, fear is one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome. 

Why is this?

Because we instill this idea into our own mind. Fear is not transferred, passed along, or shared. It is how any human copes when they feel incapable. We can create fear that is essentially a figment of our own imagination. 

Feelings of intimidation and angst arise if we view a situation in a similar light. In order to rid ourselves of the anxiety, we must re-frame the way we look at challenges and the unknown. 

How can we shift our perspective?

  1. Acknowledgment. Accepting the emotion of doubt rather than labeling and judging our feelings allows us to step back and see our thoughts as less severe than we originally perceived them to be. 

  2. Confidence Building. Remind yourself of how far you have come and the effort that you have consistently put in to be in the very position you are in now. 

  3. Think “What If”: What if you do fail? Asking yourself this question requires you to shift the perspective and understand nothing is as scary as it seems. Even failure. 

Fear is what you make it - Take back your power and own the day with a simple mind-shift.

The WTMG Team

BJ Merriam