An Attitude of Gratitude

Hello Champion,

Grat·i·tude - the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

It is a fundamental part of winning the mental game. When life is full of chaos and pressure, gratitude can give you perspective on what matters the most. It helps you appreciate the things you have and put less stress and pressure on yourself mentally. 

Gratitude can be applied to your experiences in sports and in life. Grateful athletes value their experiences and take time to soak in the moment. Being a grateful athlete helps you build a stronger mind that can battle adversity and failure. 

Here are three ways to practice gratitude in your life:

  1. Reach out to people you are thankful for.

  2. Make it a habit to do an act of kindness everyday.

  3. Use the Athlete’s Edge Journal to write down what you are grateful for.

Let your friends and family know how much you appreciate them. This simple act of gratefulness can transform your mind.

Send a text before practice. Leave a note for a colleague. Rehearse a mantra before a game.

Spreading kindness can bring your mind much more fulfillment. A fulfilled mind will allow you to chase after your goals with confidence and passion.

Gratitude is one of the main pillars of our mission at Win The Mental Game. Being aware of your blessings and savoring the special moments in your life will empower you to chase great things. Our journal is designed to increase self-development and confidence through the use of positive affirmations and gratitude so you can perform at a higher level. 

Are you ready to use gratitude to unlock your greatness within?

The WTMG Team

BJ Merriam